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How to Sell Your Business - the Essential Checklist

Selling your business is quite an undertaking - it requires meticulous planning, hard work, solid advice and some luck to complete. Many owners and CEOs of SME businesses that we meet aren't thinking about selling their business - they are focused on growing their business. However, I'm a firm believer that those who consciously set their business up for sale (while growing their business) are those that achieve the successful outcome they're after.

Given how monumental a task it is to sell your business, we decided to provide a high level checklist that owners and CEOs of SME businesses can use as an easy-to-use resource that provides prompts to leaders on 16 core areas of focus for prospective investors in SME businesses:

  1. Team

  2. Governance

  3. Professional Development

  4. Legal

  5. Finance

  6. EBITDA / Profitability / Cash Flow

  7. Revenue

  8. Sales & Marketing

  9. Customer Service / Success

  10. M&A

  11. Organization

  12. Technology

  13. Tax Planning

  14. Risk Management

  15. Culture

  16. Advisory

You can download this resource by clicking on the link below.

If you have any queries and would like to discuss any of the items included within this resource, feel free to contact us.

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